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Earth Is Now Our Only Shareholder
If we have any hope of a thriving planet—much less a business—it is going to take all of us doing what we can with the resources we have. This is what we can do.
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The best outdoor gear is multifunctional for wherever you’re headed. Our women’s clothing and outdoor accessories can keep up because they’re featured for versatility and performance. Choose women’s outdoor clothing you can rely on, including durable women’s tops, warm women’s outerwear and functional women’s bottoms for daily wear.
Women’s Clothing for All-Season Wear
Reach for women’s outdoor clothing that keeps you warm but also breathes. From casual, easy-wearing women’s fleece to lightweight women’s baselayers and insulated women’s jackets, we make a range of all-season wear. Our made-to-last women’s bottoms are multifunctional for a range of outdoor pursuits—find the women’s pants and women’s shorts that for your needs.
Water-sports enthusiasts need women’s swim you can count on—and our sturdy women’s swimsuits are made with soft, stretchy and durable synthetic body fabric and lined with swim-specific jersey. Pair your swimsuit with a moisture-wicking, quick-drying coverup or lightweight women’s shirt. When you’re in need of durable women’s workwear, choose from our selection of tough, sturdy workwear pants and overalls, work boots, aprons and warm outerwear.
From Soft Women’s Fleece to Insulated Women’s Jackets
When the going gets cold, the cold get layers. Our lightweight women’s baselayer tops and bottoms are smooth for easy wearing under women’s clothing. Lightweight baselayers add warmth without excess bulk. Consider your fleece as both outerwear or as a midlayer under insulated women’s jackets. Available in a variety of styles and colorways, our casual women’s fleece can be lightweight and breathable or heavier and wind-resistant. We make soft, durable fleece jackets that are versatile for travel and daily wear.
Durable Gear for Everyone
All of our men’s and women’s clothing and durable outdoor gear are made for a lifetime of use—even our kids’ gear, because your little ones need gear that keeps up, too. Explore kids’ and babies’ outdoor clothing for activities of all kinds.